Tuesday, September 27, 2011

1 Month!

We have made it 1 whole month in Arizona!! Woohoo! It has been a great journey and pretty easy so far - thank you God for helping make this transition easy! I have had my job for almost a month now, and while it's hard on my heart, it is always a rewarding job and I already love this little one. We received confirmation YESTERDAY that Tony's license is on its way - I must say that I'm looking forward to him getting back to work, though I'll miss hanging out on my off days. Things of note:
-I got well acquainted with Phoenix when I visited B
-Tony and I have been able to explore our town and surrounding areas
-We've given ourselves a goal to work towards for the next year
-I'm still totally slacking on our parent scrapbooks...it's been almost a year it's time I get the tush in gear!!
-I believe I have restrained myself from starting crafty projects that are bouncing around in my head because of those scrapbooks.

Oh! I survived 4 days with out my wonderful husband this month too. I feel like a stronger person from it though... I'm not one who likes to be alone.

So that is what has been going on here lately... I'm gonna try to be better at posting on here.

(also, please ignore spelling mistakes, I'm using my boss' ipad...I'll spell check it when I have a real computer at home.)

Loves to you all,


  1. Hey girly! I stumbled across your blog through a friend of mines', it's very nice! It's so awesome to see how God is working in your life! Welcome to Arizona!!!

    -Adrienne @ http://laughinglivingforgiving.blogspot.com/

  2. Thanks Adrienne! It's so nice to hear the encouragement!
