Saturday, March 3, 2012

We moved!

     We moved again! The whole process was pronbably the MOST unorganized move EVER, but that's ok. That's what happens when I get the flu when hubby is oot and I'm supposed to be doing the bulk of the packing. Thankfully we had lots of help with packing, loading, unloading and unpacking! We are so so so so so so so so so thankful for everyone who was able to help us out in any way, whether through physically being here to help or through praying for us! It took me until 2 days after we were moved in for me to finally get overwhelmed which is a HUGE impovement!
     We're still in the process of unpacking and getting things put away, but we're making progress. I will say that this is also the slowest I've ever unpacked, but I'm not getting too freaked out by it either. We have our kitchen set up and the bedroom and we can sit on the couch and Pocket has a nice area. The new place is interesting, unfortunately someone was mad at our neighbor yesterday and was yelling obscenities outside her door and I'm presently listening to some other people yell at each other across the way; hopefully this isn't a regular occurance.
     On the bright side I absolutely positively LOVE this place 100 times more than the last place because of this:

Pocket likes it! She's out of her area more often and she is willingly going on the couch and staying there! And this makes me happy because I want her to be a social bunny and I want her to like to hang out on the couch with me...and she's starting to so this makes me extremely happy!

On another note, we are also in the process of looking for a friend for Pocket! If I had a way to get the pictures off my phone, I would post pictures, but as of right now I cannot except for texting them to my sister and asking her to e-mail them to me...


  1. Moving is SO hard and can be so much MORE difficult when things don't go as planned, but I'm glad you got it done :)

  2. Thanks Adrienne! I not even sure we really had a plan this time - HAHA! :D
