Tuesday, June 26, 2012

House Hunting

    I've decided to start journaling about our house hunting experience. God has blessed us so much these past few years and this is just another example of it. We weren't expecting to be close to looking for a house until August, but here we are at the end of June and about 3 weeks into house hunting all because of God's amazing providence! We would not be ahead of our plan had it not been for God - and this is another great example of how much better God knows than we do!
     I've fallen in love with two houses so far - we didn't get the first and we're waiting to hear back on the second. I am most thankful that God is protecting my heart and that, even though I immediately start moving in in my head, He is keeping me grounded and emotionally detached - something Anthony and I were pretty concerned about when we started talking about looking for a house. Thank You, God, for that answered prayer!
     The whole house hunting process is very intriguing to me, and while I would like to be able to just find a house love it and get the offer accepted with no wait time, that is not how it works - not even in the fairytale I tend to convince myself I'm living in.

     It's been fun - it's been stressful, but we're patient and know that God has His perfect timing and His perfect house for us to get started in. Plus it's fun to look at houses, see how other people decorate (at least the houses that are still occupied) and then start imagining how we would paint it and decorate it, what rooms would be used for what, what patio furniture are we going to get, what appliances do we like. I think I like the imagined decorating most right now - so much so, that I am currently re-organizing our apartment from TOP to BOTTOM to de-clutter and see how we might want to decorate our future house - where ever it is and whenever we get it. I think that's a funny thing though - I resigned myself to dealing with our random boxes we didn't have room to put in a proper place when we moved into this apartment and now I'm determined to make it work in an aesthetically pleasing way all so I won't have to re-organize and re-decorate our house a gazillion times (a million might still happen though).

So here's to happy house hunting, the hope of the future, and God's timing.
 Love to you, my friends,


  1. Hooray! It's fun and a GREAT way for God to teach patience, for sure!

    Happy Happy Hunting, I hope it goes smoothly for you :)

  2. Adrienne - thank you so much! It's definitely exciting and I think all the waiting and the offers that don't get accepted are just going to make whatever house we do get THAT much better!
