Friday, July 20, 2012

Random Ramblings for Jason

Our good friend, Jason, left this note on my facebook a few minutes ago:
"So, your last blog was a week ago and the last 2 were from Insanity. Am I to believe that the Insanity/House combo has driven you 2 to the funny farm? Hope all is going well. Praying for you guys."
So here's a blog about nothing in particular - but we're still here. We're still alive - woohoo! I have not been great about being consistent with Insanity. I'm ok with this. It's mainly to get me active again since the billion degree weather keeps me from going on walks at the lake now and so I consequently do nothing. On the days where my schedule isn't crazy I do it (so I've done it like 3 times). I'm still sore, so I guess that's good.

We ARE moving in a couple weeks! I'll post a picture when the chaos dies down.  And, if you know me, moving means that I am currently stressed out, overwhelmed, emotional and in a constant state of just wanting to go to bed and sleep all day. There's a lot left to do - we have no one on board (as of yet) to help move because we have to move on a weekday. It'll all work out - I just hate the chaos of moving, but I'm happy that this will be the last move in a long time.

We have paint options picked out for the main rooms and the kitchen! :) I'm excited - I'm getting my yellow kitchen because my Hubster Lovester is fantastic!

I have officially watched all 5 seasons of Daria. I don't know what this says about me. Please don't judge me.

I'm also experimenting with "freezer meals". Have a number of recipes to post - this will probably happen after the move.

It was 109 degrees today and I didn't think it was that bad.

Oh? Did I mention I got a job at MAC?

So here's to chaos and emotions and a permanent place to live! WoohoO!! Thank you Jesus!!


  1. Thanks for the blog friend. =) And fear not, your wit was greeted most welcomely by all that were present. (Even tho that's just me.... yeah....)

    I don't know if I liked you being okay with not doing Insanity, or thinking that 109 isn't that bad better. I'm so glad you guys are acclimating to the desert. =)

    Congrats on the job, I might be able to help you move (yes really) and yes Sara... I am judging you. ;)

    I'll talk to you guys soon about when I'll be in town and whether or not I can help out. Thx again for the post =)

  2. Uhm...have you done insanity? It's crazy (hahaha).
    It was 117 when we moved out here...(weren't you there?)i'll take 109 over 117. I wonder what the temp will be like come move day...we tend to pick the hottest day of the year to move. Get ready for that if you can help us (though that sounds kind of like fiction if you ask me.)

    What's the verdict of your judgment? Would your fiance approve of you judging me?
