Mommy-ing is hard. There, I said it. This past week I have been a solo Mama Bear while the Hubs was out of town on business. I've down this countless times before (actually, I've down this 29 times since becoming a mommy.) 29 times, I have been on my own while the Hubs worksbhars for us in another state so that I can be home with our precious little ones. Sometimes I'm amazed at how quick and easy the time can go. Then I get cocky.
"This is easy peasy!"
"I could do this all the time!"
"My kids are so easy and well behaved!"
And then God nicely humbles me. The manners go out the window and my patience is tested. Someone gets sick and I'm up all night before needing to be up all day without help. That has been my week. We are going on day 3 (I think) of a 102° fever, countless messy diapers and the clingiest cling I've experiences in awhile. I'm tired, I'm sore, I'm cranky and I just want a break.
But that's the beauty of parenthood. It doesn't matter how tired I am, God sustains me. It doesn't matter how sore J am, God sustains me. It doesn't matter how I feel because God sustains me and He does so so that I can fulfill this wonderful and miraculous role He has graciously given me. He does so so that our kids will grow up knowing Him and being able to shine His light to the rest of the world. So, Mama, if you're tired and sore and feel like you just need a break, know that God is with you, He sustains you and His grace is enough.
Psalm 54:4
Surely God is my help; the Lord is the one who sustains me.
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