Monday, October 22, 2012

Did I Tell You My Laptop is Still Out of Commission?

'Cause it is - hence no crafty things and no recipes for awhile now.   It will happen again - at some point. Though I don't know when. Right now A and I are currently sharing a laptop because he has the good fast one that works.... So I've hi-jacked it for a moment to share some pictures with you that I said I would get to (eventually).
Here we go!

Faux Wall in the Living/Family Room - the dark spot is a spot on the inside of lens of the's in all the pictures.
Closer up faux wall - ignore the spot it's not really there

"Chai Latte" in the down stairs bathroom - it's like a muted pale orangey color

With our fun Pier 1 decoartions thanks to Jon & Katie and wedding giftcards :)

I repositioned one of the Scripture signs. As cute as I thought it was before, you could only see the Corinthians one when you were sitting at the table.

And the Bunny Gate so they don't go where they shouldn't! So far it's working!!!!

We have finally put together our room & put up pictures :)

We finally put up the guest bathroom picture instead of just having it leaned up against the wall.

Yay! Things are coming if only we could just finish painting upstairs. hahaha

Life Lesson (and I promise I'll post painting progress pictures soon)

I'm learning a lesson in life right now and God is revealing to me my fear of man. That's lame. The fear of man thing, not the learning thing. I'm realizing how much I'm afraid to do certain things or be responsible for certain things because they aren't what other people want for me. And that's just ridiculous - because other people can't possibly know me better than God does. I was discussing this with a friend the other day and she, in her wisdom, told me that I can't let people affect me that way. Fast forward to later in the week, I was talking about the same thing with A and he told me that

If I am more concerned about what other people want for me, then I won't be able to find joy in the things that do happen.
I think God is trying to get a message through my head. And it's true. Things in life happen and you hae to make a choice - however, DON'T let someone else determine how you react or what you decide to do UNLESS that person is God. We should be more concerned with how God wants us to react than we are with how others will react.
In other "news" (because it's not really "newsworthy") - we've taken a LONG break from painting. It's half way driving me nuts, but I haven't been feeling 100% so I need to work on getting the house back in order than painting. BUT our faux wall in the living/family room (because I don't know the difference) is DONE and part of upstairs is painted, but then we ran out of paint.
We got our kitchen table and I love it! It was very exciting. It can be a very skinny accent table, a table that seats 4 or a table that seats 6! It's pretty rad and we got a good deal on chairs for it since it originally came with 2. They're slightly different, but I love the effect.
We hung our first picture the other day. It was our caricature from Valentine's weekend a couple years ago. hhehehehe.
AND I think we've finally outsmarted the bunnies with the additional of a "bunny" (baby) gate. They, so far, have not figured out how to get through it. BUT I'm sure it's only a matter of time before they get through the bars and we have to put up screening.

We are currently trying to organize a BYOP (Bring Your Own Pumpkin) get together with one of our small groups. I'm hoping it'll be as fun as it was when we did it in Cali :)
We planted a tree and some flowers in our backyard yesterday - and by we, I mean Anthony. It looks nice and I'm excited to be getting to the front of the house at some point.
BUT - now I've wasted more time rambling and really need to get to cleaning the house and putting away laundry and fun stuff like that. SO I hope that you have a wonderful Monday that is full of happiness and joy!


Thursday, October 18, 2012

My heart

Sometimes -- but in all reality frequently -- I wonder why God created my heart the way he did. I wonder why He created my heart to be so fragile. I hope I remember to ask Him this when I see Him face to face.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

encouragement and other stuff

It's been awhile since I've posted on either of my blogs. My laptop is still getting worked on - so I'm left with my phone which is a little frustrating to write with - and I haven't located the Kindle charger which would totally be easier than this. New goal - find the charger.

Anyways, I'm now back to working full-time which is good, but last night it hot me that I'm not doing great with the transition. Prayers would be appreciated . :)

On top of all that, I've been frustrates with my lack of time in God's word. I've been reading, but it's been distracted reading. God has made it clear that a big part of the issue is my prayer life, so I've been reading some books to help me get back into a routine and to remember how important a strong prayer life is and hoe beneficial a strong prayer life is.  It's definitely helping and I'm seeing God more in the little this than before. Praise Him for that!
As I was reading Power Prayers for women this morning, I came across a description of the Bible that brought more excitement in me than I've felt in a long time - so I felt the need to share.

"Adventure, danger, romance - just a few story themes from the beat-selling book of all time. Undoubtedly, billions of copies have been printed and distributed.
Unlike fairytales, this book us true and starts with 'In the beginning.' here you learn of kings and conquerors, love and loss, rebellion and redemption. Turn the pages to discover where you came from, why you are here, and where you are going. You'll find out how to handle money and have better relationships. Most important, you can learn who God is and how you can live with Him forever.
What is this astonishing book? The Bible. Inspired by God, this sixty-six-book compilation is the true story of God's love for all people, including you and me. It's the explanation of a promised deliverance, and freedom for all who obey." -Jackie M. Johnson

I encourage anyone reading this to get a Bible - buy one, borrow one - and open it up. Pray that God will show you who He really is and who you really are through His book,-through His words. Meet God and allow Him to transform your life. It won't be easy and it may not always seem like it's getting better - but its worth it. And when you struggle with how it appears your life is going, take a moment to look back and who you were and where your life was heading, meditate on His promises, and look ahead to where you're going. Look to His glorious Kingdom that is waiting His beautiful children - be faithful and steadfast and cling to the hope that is in the Cross.

I love you all and am praying,