Sunday, October 23, 2011

Oh my Zzzzzzs!

     Lots of things have happened lately! We went to CA for a few days (5 I think?), we were both VERY busy - Tony with working and me with visiting :). It was a nice and successful trip! We got home on Thursday evening and on Friday morning we picked up our foster bunny! We named her Pocket and will be able to officially adopt her on November 21! I'm thinking bunny themed cupcakes are in order ;)
We spent all day Friday getting her situated, she's still adjusting as this is her first time EVER in a home - she was born the summer of 2010 and has spent her whole life at the bunny rescue place, but she's warming up. She's done 4 binkies (that I've seen) so far, you just youtube them. They look funny.
Tony & I have both been fighting off a cold of some sort since we were in CA and we had a photoshoot today which went well. The photos will be used in a store advertisement as well as published in 2 or 3 magazines. Pretty exciting stuff!

But it's 12:31AM, we have church in the morning and I'm beyond exhausted, so good night & sweet Zzzzzs!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


I'm finally getting my root canal procedure officially finished!! Please pray for an easy procedure and that the lingering issues will be corrected and just go away! If you don't know the background, this is a big deal - I've had essentially 4 (or more, I've stopped counting) procedures on this one tooth which was caused by another dentist and this has been going on for over a year, I will be so happy to have this finally done! :D

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Cali Trip

     This past trip to Cali has been such a blessing! I've definitely not been doing some things that I promised my self I would do which is obviously a reflection on my lacking self-discipline, but you know what? I'm not perfect, so whatever. :D   Apart from that I have been able to see old friends and acquaintances and catch up on the last 2 months of their lives, been able to share with them the past 2 months of our lives in AZ, relaxed, caught up on Drs. visits, did a little shopping (scored a great purse for under $5 that only needs slight modification to make it a little more functional), and most importantly, spend time with Family!  It's amazing to see how God is working in the lives of our friends here and to be able to share with them how He is using us - though I'm still praying about where I should serve in the church at home.
     My heart is filled with so much joy and I am so grateful for all that God is doing through us and all that Christ has done for us! 

Thursday, October 13, 2011

This is stuck in my head....and I just want to shout it! :D

One of these things is not like the others,
One of these things just doesn't belong,
Can you tell which thing is not like the others
By the time I finish my song?

Did you guess which thing was not like the others?
Did you guess which thing just doesn't belong?
If you guessed this one is not like the others,
Then you're absolutely...right!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Scandalous Freedom!

     Hello! After having a conversation with PJ & our worship Pastor, our worship Pastor suggested that I read the book "A Scandalous Freedom" by Steve Brown and let me tell you, it is AMAZING! I am absolutely LOVING it and it makes me excited! Christ, in an indescribable act of love & mercy paid the ultimate price for my life! He suffered violently and horrifically on the cross so that I may be free in Him to be who God has created me to be. This freedom gives me the power to obey in ways I've never been able to obey before Him and it also allows me the freedom to choose to NOT obey without losing my eternal life. However, my heart would rather obey than disobey, though I'm still human - still flesh - I still sin & disobey, but He doesn't love me any less for it.

Free: If I don't do what God says He will still love me.
Free: God will not always be pleased with what I do. He's pleased when I obey, but because of the imputed righteousness of Christ, He won't be angry with me OR condemn me when I don't.
Free: When Christians are angry with me, God isn't.
Free: to be loved and Receive God's grace without condition.
Free: to still receive grace and answers to prayer even when I sin.
Free: God's fondness for me depends on His love and the Cross of Christ, not on my earning it.

I'm not done with the book yet, but I would definitely say it's worth the read!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Photo Shoot, Homecoming & Hockey oh my!!

     Wowza what a glam-tastic day! We (the Hubster & I) started off this morning with a calendar photoshoot - thumbs up for publication! It was great and went smoothly. The model, Selena, is fantastic - I heart her :) she's so much fun, tons of sweetness, and funny. This is my second opportunity to work with her (the first being the Balloon Couture photoshoot with Marie Dadows creations -- which are pretty amazing!) and the first time A got to work with her. I gotta say it's a lot of fun being able to work with the Hubster - I do enjoy that a bunch!  The shoot took about 3.5 hours I believe and went very smoothly. From there we went home, sanitized the equipment, relaxed a bit then headed off for another gig for a high school junior's homecoming. She, too, was very sweet and beautiful and her dress was rockin'! I would have loved to have worn something like hers to a dance when I was in highschool. It was white and kind of lacy on top with a black skirt and some embellishment between the different fabrics. It was stunning!   And then from there we hustled our way to the last preseason Hockey game for the AZ Coyotes - fun factoid: Hockey is one of the only sports I really enjoy watching- it's wonderful in person and actually entertaining via the television box as well! I got my first experience in a "luxury suite" at a hockey game thanks to a friend out here and they beat their rivals (the San Jose Sharks) who had been undeafeted their entire pre-season. We got there a smidge late (but fashionably, of course) and only when we got there did they start scoring. Obviously, Hubster & I are their goodluck charm and so therefore, the Coyotes should just buy us season tickets. [[ehh, it was worth a shot!]] And now to conclude this wonderfully busy day - I am off to go sanitize all my equipment for tomorrow in which I am doing the make up for a fashion show in Phoenix. 

I cannot fully express how thankful to God I am for all these opportunities - I know they are only available to me because of Him and it is such confirmation that moving out here was a good thing. I also have a couple more clients booked out for this month. In 1 month God has so abundantly blessed me with more jobs than I got in 6 months in CA. How AMAZING is that!?

Sweeet dreams lovelies!

[[and don't forget to "like" my facebook fan page to help spread the word and help me build up my business! Thanks!]]