Wednesday, February 15, 2012


     One of the things I love to do is to reflect on where I've been and where God has me now. Where I've been has not been pretty or easy, but it amazes me to see how God has worked in and through me in big ways. We are currently in the process of getting ready to move next week (and by process, I mean we're thinking about packing haha....). Moving and boxes and chaos have never been easy for me to handle. I get overwhelmed and have anxiety attacks (sometimes); I just can't stand the thought of "oh, it's just one more temporary place to live". It floods me with the memory of so many bad decisions and difficult patches of my life - but not this time; and not last time. I admit that when I moved into our first apartment, it took me awhile because I flat out refused to put anything in a box. I had lived out of boxes too long and I just couldn't bring myself to do it. So as the weeks led up to our wedding, I would slowly bring over a backpack full of stuff and put it away before I left for the night. When we moved from CA to AZ, we had to put things in boxes - but it didn't bother me so much. I got overwhelmed towards the end, but probably because I'm type A and there just wasn't any logic to the remaining little nick nacks left to be packed. For the most part, I was peaceful about moving, I was excited about it, and I saw God in it everywhere. He kept me calm; He gave me new eyes to see with; He gave me the ability to see that moving and packing and boxes and all of it, while it was still to a "temporary" home, it's good. It doesn't have to mean that I'll be moving in another few months; it doesn't have to mean it's just another place to get buy. So now, as my husband and I get ready to move for the second time in our marriage - I'm excited because it doesn't have to be the way it was; it's going to be the best we can make it because we're in this together - hand in hand, heart in heart. Moving is no longer something to do just to get by another month or so; this will be my 15th? 16th? (I've lost count) move since I was 17; but it's better, because A is with me.  I will probably get overwhelmed because I'm still learning to handle commotion - but it will still be good. God is with me.

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