Friday, September 27, 2013

Happy Day! Happy Day!

     Have you ever woken up in the morning and just knew it would be a great day? Lately, I have been having difficulty remaining positive due to my body being sore pretty much always and being exhausted pretty much all the time as well. Last night, A and I had a conversation about glorifying God in our actions and attitudes [[something I have been working hard on changing in my life - though I'm finding all these extra hormones are creating bigger obstacles for me]] and when I woke up this morning after a glorious 9 hours of almost uninterupted sleep (I only woke up once!!!) I was in a very cheerful mood. I just knew it would be a good day - and it has been!  It has just been so wonderful today and I love it and am so thankful that God has not only blessed me with such a beautiful day, but also that He has blessed me with the ability to SEE that it has been a beautiful day and a successful one too!

     We had waffles for breakfast and nice walk around the neighborhood with the puppy. Then we returned a broken leash to Target and got Charger a new collar and leash that he has so far responded very well too. Hopefully this will make walks easier. :)  We essentially got the old leash for free due to an offer we took advantage of - registering for Baby at Target WAY early and received a gift card that covered the leash that broke and the new leash/collar combo was less than the original leash, so we actually got money back for it. Then we both got free Starbucks drinks - SO yummy! I don't even remember the last time I had a Starbucks drink! Then we ran some errands together, came home and had lunch together, relaxed and played with the puppy together.  AND THEN....


     Today has just been so nice and relaxing and beautiful and happy and lovely.  :D 

     We find out if our baby is a boy or a girl in 2 weeks! We can't wait :) Speaking of which, Baby is moving around a lot right now - kicking me all the time - though usually not during the day. Today is a special day.

     And now, I plan to clean the kitchen and my craft mess which I have successfully spread across 3 rooms in our house. Tidy up the little things we have collected for Baby so far, maybe work on my Halloween costume, research some coupony things, and make dinner.

I hope you are all having a beautiful day as well! <3

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