Saturday, October 1, 2011

Photo Shoot, Homecoming & Hockey oh my!!

     Wowza what a glam-tastic day! We (the Hubster & I) started off this morning with a calendar photoshoot - thumbs up for publication! It was great and went smoothly. The model, Selena, is fantastic - I heart her :) she's so much fun, tons of sweetness, and funny. This is my second opportunity to work with her (the first being the Balloon Couture photoshoot with Marie Dadows creations -- which are pretty amazing!) and the first time A got to work with her. I gotta say it's a lot of fun being able to work with the Hubster - I do enjoy that a bunch!  The shoot took about 3.5 hours I believe and went very smoothly. From there we went home, sanitized the equipment, relaxed a bit then headed off for another gig for a high school junior's homecoming. She, too, was very sweet and beautiful and her dress was rockin'! I would have loved to have worn something like hers to a dance when I was in highschool. It was white and kind of lacy on top with a black skirt and some embellishment between the different fabrics. It was stunning!   And then from there we hustled our way to the last preseason Hockey game for the AZ Coyotes - fun factoid: Hockey is one of the only sports I really enjoy watching- it's wonderful in person and actually entertaining via the television box as well! I got my first experience in a "luxury suite" at a hockey game thanks to a friend out here and they beat their rivals (the San Jose Sharks) who had been undeafeted their entire pre-season. We got there a smidge late (but fashionably, of course) and only when we got there did they start scoring. Obviously, Hubster & I are their goodluck charm and so therefore, the Coyotes should just buy us season tickets. [[ehh, it was worth a shot!]] And now to conclude this wonderfully busy day - I am off to go sanitize all my equipment for tomorrow in which I am doing the make up for a fashion show in Phoenix. 

I cannot fully express how thankful to God I am for all these opportunities - I know they are only available to me because of Him and it is such confirmation that moving out here was a good thing. I also have a couple more clients booked out for this month. In 1 month God has so abundantly blessed me with more jobs than I got in 6 months in CA. How AMAZING is that!?

Sweeet dreams lovelies!

[[and don't forget to "like" my facebook fan page to help spread the word and help me build up my business! Thanks!]]  

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