Thursday, July 10, 2014

It's already been half a year!

I've stopped blogging, or really, writing in general. I should keep up with it. Or at least do it a little more frequently. I enjoy it, it helps me process and I get to look back on it and remember things a little more clearly. It's been over half a year since the last time I wrote. The last time I wrote, I was 6 months pregnant and getting excited about C's room getting closer to being done. Crazy.

So what's been going on?
I've been creating an on-going list of things I'd like to write about in my mommy brain that gets lost about every 5 seconds.

Our daughter came in December, exactly 2 months before her due date. Labor was oddly easy. She was big for her gestational age and perfect. She stayed in the NICU for 26 days. I documented everything in a notebook I keep losing, freaking out about, and then finding again. Then the cycle repeats itself. I should really put that somewhere safer or record it in my e-mail or something that has a lesser chance of being misplaced.

Things I've been wanting to B-log about?
Having a preemie baby.
My fears during pregnancy.
My fears as a Mommy. (because they are real, and no one told me about them)
My joys as a Mommy.
My struggles in the transition of just the Wifey-Boo to Wifey-Boo and Mommy.
Having a baby in the NICU.

And then we finished her room.
And I've been meaning to show pictures and brag on how awesome my hubby is for doing the chair rail and designing so much of her room. I'm so thankful for his creativity!

Things I've been meaning to B-log about?
Adding chair rail in a room.
Painting plastic.
Making stencils.
The awesome headboard A made me for my birthday.

and other silly things that pop into my mind. Like what would you do if you entered someone's house to find they owned a Flemish Giant Rabbit. I've found pictures. Really, you would be speechless.

And the baby just spit up on Daddy's pillow. Nice one, lovey bugg, nice one.

But, for now - I'll just B-log about how I've had plans to B-log about all those things and more (cloth diapers and other sewing projects!)...and now it's time to try to get baby down to sleep because she's WIDE awake and it's 10:30PM

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