Thursday, July 24, 2014

To Do

I'm a list maker.
If you were to come across a composition book of mine, you are sure to find countless lists mixed in with half thoughts and random notes I 'm supposed to remember to go back to and decipher the jumbled code of abbreviations that don't actually exist in our language - er, any language really. You'll find "To Do" lists, Shopping lists, idea lists, pack lists. I like lists - I mean really, just look at the previous sentence, there's a list of lists in that sentence. A list of lists! I literally listed of a list of lists (at least I don't have a lisp to add to that). Heh. I thought that was funny. Most of the time I feel as if I can't get anything done unless I have a list. So here's the question:
     Is my daily list making a product of our instant gratification, pat-yourself-on-the-back culture? Or am I really just that much of an ADD, Scatter-brained, can't-focus-to-see-a-task-through-most-days person? Why do you make lists so much or am I alone in this compulsory list making?
While you go and ponder that, I am off to make tomorrow's "To Do" list, a packing list, and a list of ideas for better bathroom organization.

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