Friday, July 13, 2012

Day 2: Insanity

Today, I'm sore. Muscles I didn't know I possess hurt. It's good - in that my body is going to be toned and I will be healthy and (hopefully) not feel like I'm going to die going up the stairs... but that might be the fact that it's generally over 100* now.

I say I did about 1/3 of Max Interval Circuit, but the Hubster says that I did 50%, if not more/about the same as the people in the video. I think I'm going to trust him on that - since he watched me and I'm too hard on myself.

I did not appreciate anyone's encouragement today. Shaun T. was very obnoxious, telling me to do things I was currently doing and Anthony, well, he was sitting on the couch telling me to tighten my core and other things and it was early and I was grumpy and I was annoyed. But that is the exact kind of encouragement I need - even if it makes me want to punch a wall because I'm physically exhausted.

Oh - and my wrists can't hold my body weight at the moment - so I did a LOT of jogging, squats, punching the air to make up for it. My legs hurt, but they're gonna be toned. woot.

I promise I won't post on EVERY day I do insanity... but seriously Shaun T.? You don't even do half of it - so stop telling me to do more.

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