Tuesday, July 24, 2012

We're Moving!!

     In a number of days (more than a week, less than two - can't calculate the exact number with my post-packing mush excuse of a brain), we will be moving to here:

We are both very excited - it's a stressed excitement, but excitement none-the-less. BUT - before you can move, you have to pack and that means our apartment looks like this:

And that we look like a combination of this:

oh hey! This one actually is us!

And I am currently sporting the "moving grunge" look. It's quite flattering - no makeup, no hair product, slouchy clothes... and if it's not flattering, it's comfortable and I reserve the right to be comfortable - and no photos will be taken.

I counted the number of boxes we have packed/almost packed today. The number is 71. 8 boxes are not finished and remain open in our kitchen waiting for the last few items to be put away. And I just want to run around the house screaming because I don't do commotion well - and while it's not noise, I'm counting the clutter as commotion and it's making me crazy. I even broke down and bought a Starbucks today (I haven't had coffee in months...like lots of months...I think 6 months, but don't quote me on that).

So that's where we are at now! I'm excited to be in our first house (though NOT our first home). I'm excited to paint the kitchen yellow and for being able to host shindigs at our house and have people come because we'll have the space; instead of volunteering my in-laws house like we did in California. I'm excited to have pool parties and fondue parties and game nights and I'm excited for all the space our bunnies will have!

And through it all, we are praising God for His faithfulness. While we only looked for a few weekends, there was a lot of unknowns in this house and God has been merciful and gracious in allowing us to have this house and in showing us His blessings when we are faithful to Him. There is no way we could have gotten this house without Him, all of our parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents, our friends and lots and lots of prayer.

Thank you Jesus for our first home, we can't wait to live in it!

-:- The Colellos -:-


  1. You'll get there! It's SO worth it! and then you'll have FOREVER to unpack! :)

  2. Thanks Adrienne!
    I don't do boxes well, so I have every intention of being unpacked by next weekend. Key word is :intention:. ;)

  3. Those pictures are hilarious
