Monday, July 2, 2012

House Hunting

Without divulging too much information, we are waiting to hear back about our counter-counter offer on a house and gearing up for a couple weeks of stress and the potential of me being heartbroken because I am absolutely in love with this house. We know that things are about to get way crAzay, but we are also trusting God in this adventure.

When we were at church on Sunday, Pastor Tom spoke of the fact that as badly as we want to be able to know, create and control the future - the fact of the matter is that the only one who knows, creates and controls the future is God. Sometimes that is hard to swallow and hard to accept because the things we want seem to be so big in our lives. So here we are looking for a house. The reality is that I really want this house and so because of that, I am getting anxiety - but I am thankful for the reality God is giving me and the truth that He is the one in control and if we don't get this house - we can trust that there is a good reason we may not ever know as to why and that God has something much better house planned for us. I am thankful that He has given me the wisdom to stop and prayer every time I start feeling anxious about this whole situation.

Friends, if you are reading this and following this journey with us, we would appreciate it if you would say a prayer for us. If you can, please pray for:
  • God's wisdom, guidance, and discernment through the entire process
  • Quick responses from the sellers
  • Guarded hearts
  • Continued understanding that no matter what happens, God is in control 
  • Continued good and clear communication between all parties involved
  • That we would know if we will get this house soon 
  • That if the sellers accept the offer, that all of the inspections and appraisals would go well and quickly 

Thank you so much for all your continued prayer and support!
Loves to you all,

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